Saturday, April 20, 2013

We Don't Need Much

A sunny day, books, a smidgen of hope and good cheer.  A pop band on a small stage making us bounce around a bit, shaking off the awfulness of the week. We as a species don't need a lot to make us giddy.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Loons on the Run

Don't ponder others, Tibetan Buddhist lojong training demands.

One day I'll be nice like that.

It's a delight to see all of the anti-gay, anti-gun control and one-note PBO'S haters backing themselves into the same deranged corner.  In true elementary school rubber and glue physics, the ickiness that the anti-gay crowd ascribed same-sex relationships is now adhering to bigots who go into hysterics over Mitch and Cam.   Despite PBO's reelection his haters seem as outraged and indignant as in 2008.  We don't understand why they don't  just look at it and  think, "Well,  in four years he'll be gone".   You know, like progressives did with Reagan and W.  Were PBO to take a bite out of sweet apple and smile, brigades of  screeching teabaggers would demand to know what does this man have against oranges?  The Koch brothers would start pouring millions into a Real Americans for Citrus and Lower Taxes  astroturf outfit.

The anti- gun control people, however,  truly astound.   Despite every study confirming what common sense would intimate, that having a gun in the house increases one's  risk and one's family's risk of death several fold, they still insist that they need a gun to protect their family.  These people would literally prefer to die than admit that that uppity Kenyan, with all his Harvardy-ness and intelligence and airs, is right on the subject.  But what a tiny group they are!  Turns out  that 90% of Americans would like to see background checks extended to gun show and Internet  gun buyers.

Maybe one day i'll grow up and feel compassion for the suffering of the insufferable.  That would be great.  For now, though, seeing them flop around like salmon is kind of a kick.