Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tibet: Culture on the Edge

By Phil Borges, Rizzoli, 2011. 207 pp

A beautiful book of photographs of Tibet ( what the Chinese government calls TAR - the Tibetan Autonomous Region). Mainly the images are portraits of the Tibetan people. The book has three main sections: Climate change, which has affected glaciers; development--one gets the feeling the roads &c weren't put in for the local people's benefit but the zillions of non-Tibetan people pouring in; and Devotion. Despite no pictures of His Holiness the Dalai Lama being allowed in Tibet the people cling to their belief.

I wonder if the Dalai Lama has seen these photographs. He isn't allowed in the country of his birth, having been forced to flee decades ago.

Lake Manasarovar has to be the most beautiful lake on the planet. Maybe even the universe--the waters shimmer an other worldly blue. It's holy to the Tibetans and the cover photo of it surrounded by dar gray mountains and light gray skies--with a red-robed monk to the side--makes their reverence seem completely appropriate.

God bless and keep the Tibetan people, and thank you Mr. Borges for this document to their lives.

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