Sunday, January 20, 2013

MLK Day - Random Thoughts

A woman walks past the Sheriffs standing on duty in the Metro station.  Some of them are part of the K-9 unit, and have their dogs with them.  A certain big dog jumps up at the sight of the woman, not because she's African-American but because the dog loves sniffing her bicycle wheels.  She pets the dog, chats a second with the officers, and continues on to work with a smile that only petting a loving, goofy dog can bring out.

At the top of our hike in Griffith Park today there were some people in their twenties singing, playing music and dancing.  The singing was some simple, African-sounding chant.  The instruments included a tambourine, a gourd covered in shaking beads, and something that looked like a bow.  But the wasn't so much dancing as a kind of  couples t'ai chi - slow, rhythmic movements including taking turns swinging a leg over the partner's crouching body.  The seeming leader was a white guy in khaki shorts and sneakers; he took turns dancing with another white guy, a black girl, then a black guy.  At the end of each session he gave his opponent / partner a lovely platonic hug. 

A mattress store is offering specials for its Martin Luther King sale.


Cockatoo is off work tomorrow for Martin Luther King's birthday, a national holiday.  Cockatoo will spend the morning watching President Obama being sworn in for his second term.

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